
Updating Older Versions Of RadioDJ (2042+)

Recently there were some major changes to the Database connector in RadioDJ which meant newer versions wouldn't run on versions of MariaDB 10.7 and Older. Which means in order to use versions of RadioDJ 2042 and newer you will need to UPGRADE MariaDB to a newer version. I'm currently using MariaDB 11.2 and I have zero issues running RDJ 2045 If updating from an OLDER version of RadioDJ 2.x.x Apply the SQL Database Update File to your Database via Database Setup or you will get errors The Updates will be in the SQL folder of the RadioDJ Setup folder. In order to update MariaDB do the Following. Take a backup of your current database Uninstall MariaDB as per these Instructions Install a newer version of MariaDB Install the newer version of RadioDJ (2043+) and connect your database Reinstall the RadioDJ database and Restore the Backup you just took Then apply the SQL update files as pe

Reasons Why YOU Should Use RadioDJ

Why choose RadioDJ Free Radio Automation Software? RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registrations Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks/months without needing to keep an eye on it Great Music library support add as many categories/subcategories you require Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool to Backup your songs/rotations/events/playlists RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums Customisable Interface with the Color Editor How To Install RadioDJ I could go on and give MORE reasons as to why you should choose RadioDJ but I DON'T need to. I am absolutely Satisfied with Radio DJ I also find it great that you alway

PlayItLive Radio Automation Software

This program had been on my radar for quite a while I downloaded, installed & then thats where it started going wrong, You cannot test the software without registering. I'm picky who has my details so I'm not registering just to test it. Apparently the EULA for the software is quite strict as to what you can and cannot do. Dictating what people can and can't do with your software is only going to lead them to use something else without such restrictions. Its another POS thats overpriced for what it is IMHO £50 Monthly £300 Annually £1249 for a Lifetime Licence Its like the Developer of PlayItLive just plucked those PRICE figures out of thin air Even after you pay all that money the developer charges extras for plugins (Now Playing, Voice Tracking and Audio Processing) You also need a paid subscription for Voice Tracking with using PlayIt Live Now Playing Text output and Audio Processing are

Error Code 10053 (SAM Broadcaster)

Looking at Posts on social media and one SAM Broadcaster user is trying to blame an Error Code on Windows 10 Your Problem is NOT with Windows the Fault again lies with SAM Broadcaster Error code 10053 has been an issue within SAM Broadcaster since the days of Sam 2.x.x in 2002 Its to do with the Encoders not connecting even if your server is up and running I've written about SAM encoders going wrong before. 10053 Encoder will NOT Connect Its NAFF ALL to do with Windows its happened on every operating system from Windows XP to Windows 11 The SAM Broadcaster Forums are littered with lots of topics and posts on the suject. I do wish these DIE HARD SAM Broadcaster users would stop being BLINKERED by the issues and problems that SAM appears to suffer from. I gave up on SAM at least 14 years ago now after issues kept knocking my station off air. SAM Broadcaster has NO place in a Radio Studio SAM Broadcaster i

My Favourite RadioDJ Feature?

I've been a RadioDJ user since late 2010 after I discovered the software via a Google search. I've seen RadioDJ slowly gain popularity since 2013 & lot of users are beginning to realise how GOOD it is. If I was asked to say what my favourite feature in RadioDJ was I'd have to think about it. RadioDJ is FEATURE PACKED and has a lot more functionality than other radio automation that you can pay $$$ for. However after a lot of thought I think this is my favourite feature in RadioDJ: Custom Track Rotations which can be loaded anytime by operator or by programmed event I've NEVER had a Track Rotation Fail in RadioDJ I frequently had problems with AutoDJ with other radio playout software If you know how to program MySQL you can load tracks in the queue via SQL Query. The AutoDJ Rotation loads the Music easily and fast into the queue in RDJ. You can programme RadioDJ to have different

25 Years Of Being Into Internet Radio (1999-2024)

Its dawned on me I've been into Internet radio since 1999. It all started with me using a friends computer and I tuned into a LIVE365 station. Cyndi Lauper All Through The Night was the first song I heard on the stream It was 2001 before I was able to afford my first computer and I set about learning How To Stream on the Internet. I've lost count of how many different bits of software I've tried in 25 years some of them were GREAT some of them were PANTS Oddcast, Edcast, Altacast, Jazler, MB Recaster, BUTT, Zara Radio, SAM Broadcaster & Winamp with DSP Encoders Early versions of certain software would Crash if you tried adding a large folder of music to it. Some software just didn't have great stability which was Sad because the software looked promising. I lost a position on an Internet radio station because of software issues. I spent a LOT of time FIGHTING with software just t

The Most Perfect Piece Of Music Playout Software

Q: Have you ever found the most perfect piece of music playout software? I've tried LOTS of music playback software over my 20 or so years on the Internet. Winamp, Foobar, Real Player, Windows Media Player, Musicmatch Jukebox, SAM Broadcaster, SAM Party DJ Some pieces of software were OK for playing music and some of them would crash if I added a large folder of music into them. Other Radio Automation Software doesn't Crossfade very well and you end up with a CAR CRASH transition betweeen songs. RadioDJ excels at crossfading, It has a better Cue Point editor than some paid for software. It was 2010 when I first used RadioDJ and I haven't looked back since. RadioDJ has been the bedrock of my music automation since I discovered it via a search in November 2010. I THINK RadioDJ is the most PERFECT piece of music playout software ever as

Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar (Stolen Records)

2 weeks before Christmas 1990 my house was broken into and Some LOW LIVES Stole my record collection. It was obviously well planned by the perpetrators of the crime because they knew exactly what they were after when they kicked in the back door They never touched my Brothers PUNK collection which was more valuable. I THINK I KNOW WHO BROKE INTO MY HOUSE BUT I CANNOT PROVE IT They had to have the transport to get away with record boxes so that narrows the suspect list somewhat I think the people who stole my records did it out of SPITE to try and DERAIL my DJ career I suspect it was 2 DJ's who had a GRUDGE against me, Why they harboured such feelings I do not know My records were later found on the record stall on the local market. I'm still wondering why the market stall holder wasn'

Forget Oracle MySQL Server (Its Buggy)

Seen more and more users who've recently had issues working RadioDJ alongside Oracle MySQL (8) server. I personally think Oracle MySQL lost their way a LONG time ago. I Wrote A While Back about this very issue it seems MySQL8 still doesn't work properly. A soon as people switched to MariaDB their issues went away (Strange That) Marius carried out out some tests a while back and its quite clear that MySQL 8 takes longer to process queries compared to MariaDB. Query Duration MySQL8: 1.7712764 seconds Query Duration MariaDB: 0.0081946 seconds As you can see the difference is Huge on MySQL8 it takes 2 seconds to run a Query I've been a MariaDB user since 2014 and its RARE I have to do any maintence on my SQL databases. IF You have been having issues with MySQL download and install MariaDB Instead! How to Install MariaDB Please Note: Some versions of MariaDB have issues with RadioDJ due to a Database update

8 Reasons To Not Use SAM Broadcaster Pro

I can think of a few reasons WHY you might want to choose an alternative to SAM Broadcaster Pro or Studio 1) Lousy Customer Support: When SAM Broadcaster goes wrong (and it will) don't expect to get much help from Spacial Audio: Even the forums and social media accounts were staffed by people who didnt really care about the software. People have even taken to Social media to vent their frustrations at not getting much in the way of support. @Spacial Audio are the worst software company I have EVER come across I really feel cheated because I never expected @Spacial Audio to be so Deceptive I don't have to make Spacial Audio look Incompetent they manage to do that all by themselves Spacial Audio's parent company must be so Proud of the way they operate? IMHO: Triton Digital need to put Spacial Audio out of business. Update March 2023: Spacial Audio have made the Support forums a READ ONLY resource. Limiting your opti

How To: Destroy a Software Company

For the past 13 years I've been trying to get across to people just how Flaky Spacial Audio software is. Fact: SAM Broadcaster Pro Crashes A Lot! My Blog posts have saved users from the Hell that is SAM Broadcaster I used SAM Broadcaster from 2001 to 2010 and believe me I know all of its little QUIRKS and ISSUES Rather than take the Criticism of SAM Broadcaster on board Spacial Audio appear to have completely retreated into a corner. I've never known another Software company who are so outwardly PARANOID They've built a wall around them and won't help people or enter into conversations about how AWFUL their software offerings are. AFAIK Spacial have only 1 developer when they do a release its for stuff thats stopped working in previous versions. Spacial Audio rarely introduce new features into SAM Broadcaster Pro I'm utterly amazed people still buy into SAM Broadcaster

A Fool And Their Money Are Soon Parted!

Most people know I dislike a program called SAM Broadcaster Pro made by Spacial Audio Solutions LLC I gave SAM Broadcaster all the chances in the world over a good 12 year period. SAM Broadcaster went wrong on different computers it wasn't just confined to One computer. Please let me explain a little as to why I hate that piece of software so much: I discovered Internetradio in 1999 when I first started using the Internet Although It was 2002 before I got the chance to DJ online Early versions of Streaming Audio Manager v1.3 required Winamp as a backend player and it was absolute pants. SAM Broadcaster wasn't great when you went to add a music folder It would crash & lockup before it imported all of the songs. In 2002 one of the stations I listened to was advertising for DJ's so I signed up & I ended up with a regular weekly radio show. They supplied SAM Broadcaster v2.7.9 & the keys to the software which I presumed

13 Years Of EPIC Radio Automation

How time flies its 13 years since I first found RadioDJ via a Google search. After installing and importing tracks RadioDJ just did what I needed it to do AUTOMATE MUSIC RadioDJ the only piece of software that has never let me down I had a lot of Audio play out software to try and wade through well before I found RDJ in 2010 MusicMatch Jukebox, SAM Broadcaster, Jazler, Raduga, Foobar, Zararadio, Winamp, Real Player I was sad when Yahoo decided to discontinue Music Match Jukebox (MMJB) as that had a pretty decent crossfade. I could never get Winamp to crossfade properly even with the use of plugins. The Stress I had in my 12 or so years of using SAM Broadcaster was unparalleled. I hated it when software decided to screw me over by crashing or malfunctioning without warning. I don't have ANY STRESS with RadioDJ RadioDJ makes streaming music a Pleasure NOT a Chore I was able to do Rad

Did Anyone See Where That Exception Went?

On the 5th of July 2023 Marius released RadioDJ v2043 I just checked the Windows Error Logs (22/09/2023) and RadioDJ hasn't thrown an exception since the 6th of July 2023 The last exception was when Windows had issues with the NowPlaying.txt being on the C:\ drive The NowPlaying.txt is readable from within the RadioDJ folder but NOT the C:\ drive Windows Security isn't allowing the file on the ROOT of the drive Other than that RadioDJ v2043 has been stable on the Windows 10/11 machines its been upgraded on. Thats the thing I LOVE about RadioDJ once setup properly RadioDJ doesn't tend to throw exceptions. The only time I've seen bad exceptions is when the Database has crashed which is generally a RARE thing. However the RadioDJ Database is easily repaired using the Database Setup tool. I haven't had to repair my RadioDJ Database in

Solid State Drives Saved My DJ Life

In 2013 I had a traditional spindle hard drive fail on me taking some of my music collection with it. I'd backed up some of my music to another hard drive but not all of it by the time the drive finally gave us I/O read errors. My Husband suggested we go to a well known electronics store at the time (Maplins Now Closed) for a Solid State upgrade kit. Getting a Solid State Drive in my Computer was my best move ever! The 240GB drive is in my current computer and to have it functioning 10 years later means its been worth every £££ we paid. I've used the SSD to run my Copies of RadioDJ Free radio Automation and its been plain sailing since 2013 The only DOWNTIME I've had is Windows Updates or Driver Updates in CCleaner. The whole Windows experience is a LOT better on Solid State Drives Windows 10/11 seem to be stable I haven't had a BSOD or crash in ages Solid state makes my computers run faster and the CPU runs cooler