
Showing posts with the label SQL

Storing RadioDJ Backups Safely & Securely (Cloud Storage)

I recently tried to help a RadioDJ user who had been flooded out recently in the USA. When I asked if he's been taking daily backups he said he hadn't. He's had to start over again from scratch I feel his pain I had that problem frequently with other software. Its a GOOD IDEA if you backup your RadioDJ SQL database to Cloud Storage You know Just incase the worst happens to your computer like a flood I have Google Drive monitoring folders so as soon as I take a backup it gets uploaded to the server. This is why backing up your database to a "safe" location is Important I hope the user who wasn't backing up his RadioDJ database is now doing so. Your database holds a LOT of information about you song library and its structure which makes restoring it a Piece of cake. Use the database setup tool to backup set an hour (24 hour clock) set a folder and its that folder you backup to the cloud. Its rare for...

Installing MariaDB on Windows

I came across MariaDB way back in 2014 after a user posted on the RadioDJ forums that they were using it. I have to admit I was surprised by how easy MariaDB was to install. It's a lot more straight forward than the normal Oracle MySQL installer. Its not as fiddly as setting up MySQL server edition. Once upon a time MariaDB started as a fork of MySQL But with new features and capabilities and performance its grown into a Database Solution of its own 1) Download and install MariaDB 2) Open the file & Install and run when Windows prompts 3) On the licence agreement screen check the accept box. Click next 4) On the next screen will be the components you need to install, don't change anything here just click next. 5) You should now have a screen that says Modify password for database user root Enter your desired password. Tip: Write this password down or even open notepad and save it on your desktop. You will need i...