
Showing posts with the label PALScripts

Memory Leaks Are An Inherent Problem SAM Broadcaster Pro

As the title of the post SAM Broadcaster Pro suffers with Memory Leaks. More so If you are running PAL = Playlist Automation Language Scripts. Memory Leaks are an inherent problem of how the PAL engine is designed If you design bad PAL scripts you get memory leaks It's easier to design a bad PAL script than to design a good one It's not like Memory Leaks were an unavoidable problem They've had years to get the code in SAM Broadcaster Pro BUG FREE give or take a few GUI changes its the same as it was 20 years ago. When I first tried running PAL scripts in 2002 SAM would regularly do a disappearing act or it would stutter and FREEZE. This is a from a user who is having issues with the latest 2021 version. [CORE] Unhandled exception (Out of memory while expanding memory stream) I stopped some of the scripts and the problem still occurred The memory leak PAL Script crashed SAM Broadcaster The PAL Scripting inter...

Spacial Audio Does Not Support PAL Scripting

If its not one thing its another when it comes to Spacial Audio and their software support. Just seen this on the Spacial Forums from the customer service manager after someone was asking for help with a PAL Script. Spacial Audio does not support PAL scripts No support can be provided nor responsibility accepted So you don't support what is a pretty big feature in SAM Broadcaster Pro Its this sort of attitude from the customer support department that makes Spacial Audio look like a JOKE of a company. Mind PAL Scripts have a nasty habit of crashing SAM Broadcaster especially if they aren't coded correctly. Memory Leaks are an inherent problem of how the PAL engine is designed If you design bad PAL scripts you get memory leaks & It's easier to design a bad PAL script than to design a good one It's not like Memory Leaks were an unavoidable problem I could never get PAL scripts to work without SAM Broadcaster Pro spitting its dummy out and ...