
Showing posts with the label MySQL

Forget Oracle MySQL Server (Its Buggy)

Seen more and more users who've recently had issues working RadioDJ alongside Oracle MySQL (8) server. I personally think Oracle MySQL lost their way a LONG time ago. I Wrote A While Back about this very issue it seems MySQL8 still doesn't work properly. A soon as people switched to MariaDB their issues went away (Strange That) Marius carried out out some tests a while back and its quite clear that MySQL 8 takes longer to process queries compared to MariaDB. Query Duration MySQL8: 1.7712764 seconds Query Duration MariaDB: 0.0081946 seconds As you can see the difference is Huge on MySQL8 it takes 2 seconds to run a Query I've been a MariaDB user since 2014 and its RARE I have to do any maintence on my SQL databases. IF You have been having issues with MySQL download and install MariaDB Instead! How to Install MariaDB Please Note: Some versions of MariaDB have issues with RadioDJ due to a Database update...

Storing RadioDJ Backups Safely & Securely (Cloud Storage)

I recently tried to help a RadioDJ user who had been flooded out recently in the USA. When I asked if he's been taking daily backups he said he hadn't. He's had to start over again from scratch I feel his pain I had that problem frequently with other software. Its a GOOD IDEA if you backup your RadioDJ SQL database to Cloud Storage You know Just incase the worst happens to your computer like a flood I have Google Drive monitoring folders so as soon as I take a backup it gets uploaded to the server. This is why backing up your database to a "safe" location is Important I hope the user who wasn't backing up his RadioDJ database is now doing so. Your database holds a LOT of information about you song library and its structure which makes restoring it a Piece of cake. Use the database setup tool to backup set an hour (24 hour clock) set a folder and its that folder you backup to the cloud. Its rare for...

Important: When You Make A Change In RadioDJ Backup The Database

Its pretty much self explanatory... BUT IT IS IMPORTANT RadioDJ saves most of the settings in the database these days although there are some settings still taken care of by XML files. Whenever you EDIT a track be it Cue Points or Artist/Title/Album etc... You must Backup your RadioDJ using the Database Setup tool this will preserve your changes to the database. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY DATABASE BACKUPS! Its probably best IF YOU Backup your database onto an external Cloud server such as Google Drive. I have Google Drive monitoring my SQL backup folder as soon as I take a backup it goes up to the fluffy cloud. Its so much easier when you have settings taken care of in the database because you can set and forget. Its also dead easy for you to transfer Radio DJ to a new machine Other well known radio automation software offerings have NO way of backing up the database which is quite some FLAW. Its just ano...

HeidiSQL A Simple Database Editor (MySQL/MariaDB)

I love HeidiSQL as a database editing tool, It also allows me to do maintenance on my databases should the worst happen. MariaDB should automatically install Heidi SQL alongside the database engine Its taken me a few years to feel confident around editing MySQL databases but now I find it really easy to do. I have two instances of SQL servers on this PC I have Oracle MySQL 5.5.9 on Port 3306 and MariaDB 10.5.8 on Port 3007. MariaDB databases shouldn't require much housework once installed I rarely touch my databases but on the odd occasion I have to give them a quick repair. I can easily log onto to sort it with HeidiSQL and its easy to keep on top of your MySQL Server. I knew next to nothing about how to maintain an SQL server 12 years ago but I learned by reading tutorials on the Internet. HeidiSQL makes my life so much simpler I'm not having to rebuild my databases regularly like I was back...

The Most Perfect Database Software?

2024 will mark 10 years of me being a MariaDB user. I've used it alongside a lot of versions of RadioDJ. I'd seen someone mention in 2014 that they had found MariaDB so I went and installed it. Maria DB hasn't let me down. I can't even remember the last time I had to fire up HeidiSQL to do maintenance to my databases. MariaDB is being used by some large corporations across the world! I had MariaDB powering my old website before I had to cancel the VPS due to technical issues beyond my control. On my VPS servers MariaDB performed amazingly well compared to MySQL Community Server from Oracle. The author of RadioDJ did a few tests and it appears that MariaDB processes SQL queries fast than Oracle MySQL. I had nothing but headaches with Oracle MySQL community server I only ever do a bit of basic housework with MariaDB. I optimise my RadioDJ database every day by an event. Its been a LONG time ...

MySQL 8 Problems (RadioDJ)

Over the past year or so I've seen LOTS of people having issues with MySQL 8 and RadioDJ. Which has now lead Marius to post about using RadioDJ with MySQL 8 Marius carried out out some tests and its quite clear that MySQL 8 takes longer to process queries compared to MariaDB. Query Duration MySQL8: 1.7712764 seconds Query Duration MariaDB: 0.0081946 seconds As you can see the difference is huge on MySQL8 it takes almost 2 seconds just to run a single query. I found MySQL to be bloated when it came to installing it to test it There were far too many options to setup MySQL8 Whereas MariaDB is simpler to install and not so bloated I've used MariaDB since June 2014 and it performs 100% better than Oracle MySQL ever did. I've NOT had to rebuild my RadioDJ database since 2014. I take daily backups so I don't lose my hard work. Its rare for MariaDB databases to crash (IF EVER) I've not had to run a repair in a w...

Automatically Backup Your RadioDJ Database

Did you Know: You can backup the database in RadioDJ free radio automation software? Its really easy to back up the database just set the folder you want the backups to go into. Then set an hour for it to take the backup at (24 Hour Clock) Leave the database setup tool minimised in the system tray. (Tick the box that says "Close to Tray") Thats literally all there is to backing the database up in RadioDJ. Other well known radio playout software doesn't come with a database backup feature Which isn't great when it comes to restoring the SQL after a database crash. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY DATABASE BACKUPS! Its probably best IF YOU Backup your database onto an external Cloud server such as Google Drive. I have Google Drive monitoring my SQL backup folder as soon as I take a backup it goes up to the fluffy cloud.

Transferring RadioDJ To A New Computer

A couple of users of RadioDJ asked how they should go about transferring the RadioDJ settings to a new computer. Please Note: Versions after will not run on versions of MariaDB 10.7 or Older (Due to database changes) in order to use the latest versions 2039+ you will need to upgrade MariaDB to 10.8+ or newer (Im currently running MariaDB 11.2) with very few issues. If however you are wanting to update from RadioDJ v1.8.2 to RadioDJ v2.0.4.5 My Advice is to start with a fresh Database there have been changes to the Database structure since v1.8.2.0 If updating from an OLDER version of RadioDJ 2.x.x Apply the SQL Database Update Files to your Database via Database Setup or you will get errors The Updates will be in the SQL folder of the RadioDJ Setup folder. F.A.Q: Are there files that I can copy onto the new machine so it will have rotations, cue marks, events, and other settings? Moving R...

Creating A New SQL User

In case you haven't already noticed MySQL tends to allow some pretty insecure permissions by default, allowing root access from any computer. This is a big problem, especially if you have port forwarding configured on your router to your MySQL instance. However you can easily create new users using any management interface, so we'll do it with HeidiSQL 1) Launch HeidiSQL and sign in as root. 2) Select Tools>User Manager. First of all, we'll remove root access for remote hosts. There will be several accounts listed for root, from various locations. Select the root account that has just a % sign in the host column. This allows root access from any location, including on the internet and isn't recommended. On the right hand side, select the drop down and pick the local network that matches your LAN IP range (e.g. 192.168.%) This makes sure that when you're on your local network, you can still log in as root. Click save. Next we'll add a new r...

Why Does RadioDJ Rely On A MySQL Database?

Saw this post on a forum on a post about RadioDJ free radio automation software The biggest fail with RadioDJ to me is the reliance upon a MySQL database Q: So Why does RadioDJ rely on a MySQL database? A: RadioDJ requires a MySQL Database to run some backend functions such as events and rotations Having an MySQL database also makes programming on your website (PHP) really straight forward. You can show what’s currently playing or recently played or even take listener requests from your website. The fact RadioDJ relies on a database for some of it's functions is actually one of it's PLUS points. Some radio automation programs run with a flat file text based system and don't appear to have any form of web integration. I never hear anyone question why other radio playout software has more database options Another PLUS with RadioDJ You can backup your database on one machine and restore it on another machine. You ...

RadioDJ Database Maintenance (How To Repair?)

So you've successfully installed and configured the RadioDJ database. Now you have it installed its a good idea if once in a while you do some basic maintenance to ensure optimum operation. Its not that difficult to maintain and backup your RadioDJ database. A backup of your SQL database is essential in case the worst should happen to your computer. First: We'll look at the RadioDJ database backup utility. Open database setup from the setup folder select the auto backup tab and set it to backup your database at a set Hour. TIP: Backup your database to a directory or drive of your choice You can never have too many backups The database backup happens in the background Tick the box that says close to the system tray Close to tray and FORGET about it. Fact: Other paid for radio automation doesn't backup the whole database Next we will move onto the other part of the maintenance with HeidiSQL HeidiSQL should have already been installe...

Firebird Database Sam Broadcaster Pro

SAM Broadcaster Pro comes with Five different options of database to install (MySQL and MariaDB are practically the same thing) Firebird - MariaDB - MySQL - PostgreSQL - MSSQL Firebird appears to be the most unstable database of the options you're given. SAM Broadcaster 2020.2 on Firebird has been crashing every 2-5 days I regularly see users having stability issues using SAM Broadcaster Pro with the Firebird database. I installed SAM Broadcaster with the help of a software engineer We used the Firebird server That worked well for a few days Then SAM wouldn't restart SAM fails more and more now to the point where it crashes at least once/twice a Week Its taking the fun out of my hobby We often see users complaining that Firebird in SAM Broadcaster Pro has crashed on them and that they've lost all their data. I tried installing Firebird for SAM Broadcaster Pro but it didn't work Firebird only allows you to load a maximu...

Running A MySQL Database Along Side RadioDJ Needn't Be Scary!

So you think its going to be scary installing a MySQL database alongside RadioDJ ( Hint: It isn't difficult) What are you scared of? Running a MySQL database server need not be scary and it needn't be a hassle. With MariaDB its easy to Install It should also install a tool called HeidiSQL which is where you do your basic maintenance on your MySQL server. The last time I rebuilt my RadioDJ song database from scratch was June 2014. I take daily backups of the database so I don't lose all my hard work or changes to my song database! How To Install MariaDB TIP: If you've previously tried to install MySQL server you will need to follow This Post about removing the service first. If you followed the simple tutorial you should have MariaDB setup and running within 5/10 minutes. Right click on the taskbar and select task manager & look for the service mysqld.exe or MariaDB in task manager. Once you have MariaDB working I'm going to su...

How To Uninstall MySQL From Windows

How to Uninstall/Clean MySQL from Windows completely? Q: How to completely uninstall MariaDB to enable a clean re-install? A: The way you uninstall MySQL get rid of the MariaDB service & program folders Remember to Backup your databases before you uninstall. 1) Run Command Prompt (Type cmd into the search menu in Windows 8/10) and run it as Administrator and execute the following commands to stop and remove MySQL service. Step 1: Net stop MySQL Step 2: SC delete MySQL Or if the service was called MariaDB Step 1: Net stop MariaDB Step 2: SC delete MariaDB The service should now be gone 2) Go to Control Panel>Programs and Features>select MySQL Server and click Uninstall. After that's uninstalled you then need to do the following 3) Delete the MySQL program folders.You will need to enable Hidden items in file manager in order to get to the hidden program data files C:\Program Files\MySQL C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL C:\ProgramData\...

Installing MariaDB on Windows

I came across MariaDB way back in 2014 after a user posted on the RadioDJ forums that they were using it. I have to admit I was surprised by how easy MariaDB was to install. It's a lot more straight forward than the normal Oracle MySQL installer. Its not as fiddly as setting up MySQL server edition. Once upon a time MariaDB started as a fork of MySQL But with new features and capabilities and performance its grown into a Database Solution of its own 1) Download and install MariaDB 2) Open the file & Install and run when Windows prompts 3) On the licence agreement screen check the accept box. Click next 4) On the next screen will be the components you need to install, don't change anything here just click next. 5) You should now have a screen that says Modify password for database user root Enter your desired password. Tip: Write this password down or even open notepad and save it on your desktop. You will need i...