
Q: What is RadioDJ?

Radio DJ Free Radio Automation Playout Software

A: RadioDJ is a FREE radio studio audio playout solution for Windows.

Why choose RadioDJ Free Radio Automation Software?

radio dj free radio automation music software
  1. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions
  2. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registrations
  3. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks/months without needing to keep an eye on it
  4. Great Music library support add as many categories/subcategories you require
  5. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  6. RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool to Backup your songs/rotations/events/playlists
  7. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

Q: What are the minimum specifications to run RadioDJ on a PC?

A: RadioDJ will run on Windows Systems with as little as 2GB RAM but hopefully your system will be more powerful than that.

Think of RadioDJ as the Swiss Army Knife of music playout software

RadioDJ can easily automate your music collection and the software supports a lot of different digital audio formats

Supported Audio Codecs:


More file types can be added from the BASS Library including the AAC playback BASS plugin from

Q: Does RadioDJ work on Windows 11?

A: Yes! RadioDJ works on Windows 11 the software is also supported on Windows 7/8/10

Please Note: RadioDJ will NOT work NATIVELY on Linux Or Apple Mac Computers you need a Virtual Machine for that

Q: What Technology does RadioDJ run alongside?

A: RadioDJ runs using Microsoft .NET (3.5 & 4.8), The BASS Sound Engine and a MySQL server.

PLEASE don't let the fact RadioDJ requires a database server put you off its not difficult to Install or Maintain

The MySQL setup needn't be as complex as it may first appear

Q: Will RadioDJ run in a Virtual Machine environment on Linux or Mac?

A: There is no reason why it shouldn't work providing you give the Virtual Machine enough resources.

I ran RadioDJ on a Windows 7/10 VM & I ran the Virtual Machine 4GB out of 16GB to play with and had very few issues.

Q: Can I use RadioDJ without a database?

A: No you cannot RadioDJ requires a MySQL server to run back end functions such as rotations/playlists/events

MariaDB database server is one of the world’s most popular open source database engines.

Fact: MariaDB processes SQL queries faster than MySQL8

Q: Can I run multiple copies of RadioDJ?

A: Yes! You can run more than one copy of RadioDJ to set up multiple online radio stations

I know of a few stations utilising multiple copies of RadioDJ quite successfully

TIP: Uncheck the Allow only one Instance box on the options screen, Do this for all instances you wish to run

Did You Know?

It costs HUNDREDS of $$$ to run multiple copies of OTHER radio playout software

Most radio software vendors don't allow more than one instance of software on the same computer

TIP: Whenever you change a setting in RadioDJ you must RESTART RadioDJ for any changes to take effect

Always make sure you run RadioDJ with Administrator Privileges

If you need any further help with RadioDJ you can find help on the RadioDJ Community Forums

Where one of the many VOLUNTEER members will do their best to help you with your issues.

More Frequently Asked Questions about RadioDJ can be found HERE

An updated user manual written by a user of RadioDJ Is now available for Download

Another RadioDJ user has Tutorials on YouTube JMac Tutorials

Please Note: I am NOT the developer of RadioDJ Just A HUGE Fan