
Showing posts with the label Stand Alone Encoding

There Is No Need To Use Expensive Encoding Software

I've recently retested a couple of pieces of PAID for stand alone encoding software. I tested Radiocaster ($59) and SAM Cast ($200) RadioCaster was easy enough to setup and configure I had a stream setup within 3 minutes. Feb 24th 2022: As RadioCaster is coded by a Russian developer I am asking people (NICELY) to BOYCOTT software from DJ Soft What's happening in Ukraine is quite frankly appalling by anyones standards The demo of Radio Caster comes with an annoying BLEEP over the stream every 15 minutes. Since I first tested RadioCaster its always buffered after 10/15 minutes of streaming I don't know if its a codec issue but something isn't right with RC The buffering has happened on different computers and ISP connections over the space of 5/6 years. SAM Cast has real issues trying to populate Now Playing metadata. SAM Cast encoders have a nasty habit...

Its Really Easy To Stream Audio From Your Computer

As the title of the post suggests it need not be a faff when you want to stream audio on the Internet. IT can seem daunting setting up an Streaming Encoder for the first time. Its not difficult to setup a streaming encoder all you need is a Rocket Broadcaster, Shoutcast or Icecast Server to stream your Audio to. The hardest part is configuring the soundcard and encoder options. Once thats done the world really is your Oyster. I currently use Sound Empire Caster to stream audio and its rare to have an issue. I've certainly not noticed any buffering. I know other users of Sound Empire Caster have only good things to say about it. Sound Empire Caster 1.1.5 Sound Empire Caster 1.1.6 Sound Empire Caster 1.2.7 Sound Empire Caster 1.2.8 How To Configure An Encoder After configuring the encoder you then need to configure the audio from whichever audio source you want to broadcast live. ...

When The Buffering Starts Its NOT Your Computer (SAM Broadcaster Pro)

A station owner apologising because the SAM Broadcaster Encoders have taken his station off air with the BUFFERING problem. I have SAM Broadcaster and it will not stream because of buffering errors I know from past frustrations how awful it is when the encoders in SAM Broadcaster decide to start buffering during a live show. I tested an old version of SAM v2.7.9 on a XP virtual machine and I had buffering within 10-15 minutes of firing up the encoder. Buffering happened with many Shoutcast/Icecast hosts & ISP connections The Issue extends to over 28 pages of posts on the SAM Broadcaster Forums Users have been told its THEIR connection at fault when its the software Its another (BUG) that the developers of SAM Broadcaster Pro don't appear to be in a hurry to fix. The SAM (Streaming Audio Manager) encoders have been like this for 20+ YEARS. It's NOT the user's Broadband or Shoutcast/Icecast server at fault...

Encoding Software (Standalone Encoders)

To get your stream online its easier if you use a standalone encoding solution Its not difficult to use a stand alone encoder. You configure it the same as a built in one. The MYTH that a standalone encoder is harder to use is put out by software developers who include built in encoders in their software A Standalone encoder picks up the audio from Stereo Mix or Virtual Audio Cable. I've yet to see built in encoders function properly in some software, I frequently encountered lots of buffering messages. Using stand alone encoding means RadioDJ can be left to do what its does best AUTOMATING your songs and jingles. I've used the standalone encoding method since I discovered RadioDJ in 2010 Standalone Encoders are more reliable I've NOT had an issue with Stand Alone encoding software while streaming. Here are just some of the free Internet radio streaming encoders available. 1) Sound Empire Caster ($0.00) ...

Can I Transmit Live From Outside Using RadioDJ?

This is a question that gets asked quite often on the RadioDJ forums. Q: Can you transmit a show from a remote location. A: Quite easily with the right tools. Its possible to broadcast from an outside location (OB: Outside Broadcast) using a Laptop RadioDJ and a standalone encoder Its really not that much different to broadcasting from a studio/bedroom and thanks to leaps and bounds in technology it should be perfectly simple to get your live outside broadcast on air. You stream audio as usual to your server using a 4G connection or Wi-Fi at your location Thats If the Wi-Fi signal supports streaming Otherwise you will need access to an Ethernet port. Take your time and work to minimise gremlins in the system before going ahead with the Outside Broadcast It will pay dividends with the quality of your broadcast. If you're still nervous about the outside broadcast not working take a few deep breaths... I'm sure it will all work out in the end. P.S:...

Using A Stand Alone Encoder With RadioDJ Needn't Be Difficult

So you've discovered and installed RadioDJ congratulations. Now we bet you're wondering how you stream the audio from RadioDJ to your Shoutcast or Icecast server. Using a stand alone piece of encoding software isn't difficult Once you get it installed & you sort the settings so it recognises your soundcard that's the most difficult part done Using a stand-alone encoder is NO MORE DIFFICULT to configure than most of the built in encoders. Using a stand alone encoding solution means you can leave RadioDJ to do what it does best While the stand alone encoder takes the strain of the encoding I was lucky to get the built in encoders in some radio automation software to stream properly. The encoders would buffer on me with built in encoders and I had issues while streaming to a server. I've been into Internet radio for over 20 years and Its safe to say I've tested LOTS of different encoding solutions in that time. I...