Firebird Database Sam Broadcaster Pro
SAM Broadcaster Pro comes with Five different options of database to install (MySQL and MariaDB are practically the same thing) Firebird - MariaDB - MySQL - PostgreSQL - MSSQL Firebird appears to be the most unstable database of the options you're given. SAM Broadcaster 2020.2 on Firebird has been crashing every 2-5 days I regularly see users having stability issues using SAM Broadcaster Pro with the Firebird database. I installed SAM Broadcaster with the help of a software engineer We used the Firebird server That worked well for a few days Then SAM wouldn't restart SAM fails more and more now to the point where it crashes at least once/twice a Week Its taking the fun out of my hobby We often see users complaining that Firebird in SAM Broadcaster Pro has crashed on them and that they've lost all their data. I tried installing Firebird for SAM Broadcaster Pro but it didn't work Firebird only allows you to load a maximu...