
Showing posts with the label DJ

The DJ's Who Bullied And Harassed Me

I've worked with some Talented DJ's in my time on the circuit you know who you are However In my early DJ career I had the misfortune to meet 2 DJ's who were Awful Human Beings I was doing DJ work at a Youth Centre Everything was going great until a lad called Matt showed up and forced his way into the DJ booth. Matt seemed to have a knack of annoying people just by opening his MOUTH I reckon Jamie told Matt to come to the Youth Club After I won a DJ competition that NEITHER of them took part in so they could start Bullying me. Jamie was a DJ at one of the nightclubs in the town at the time and had recently outed me as Gay I was poached by another Youth centre not long after Matt took over the DJ Booth I was glad I didn't have to put up with his EGO taking over at the other youth centre. One night I stayed in playing and recording my Vinyl. Matt and Jamie knocked on the door claiming they wan

The Night I Won A DJ Competition

In January 1988 I was entered for the Humberside Youth Service DJ Competition. The Head Youth Worker (Hilary) at my youth centre thought I had the skills to do it. Each of us had a 3 record set and had to demonstrate Microphone skills along with use of disco lights. I will admit the other 2 DJ's were good even if one stuck to songs from early 1980s for his 3 record set. I cannot remember the exact 3 records I played that night The Judges were from the Fire service, Another Youth Club and a DJ from a local nightclub called Julia. The local paper Scunthorpe Telegraph showed up to take photos of us in the booth. Sadly the only copy of the news article is this bad photocopy which I took from the news archives in Scunthorpe Central Library. I did get a certificate for winning but sadly I couldn't find it when I was looking for it at my dads house. In 1989 I was entered again but that time I got beaten into

White Label Mailing Lists

Back in March 1987 I started doing DJ work at a Youth club. A fellow DJ suggested I write letters to record companies to try and get a few freebie white label mixes. So I put pen to paper and wrote to at least 4 record labels NOT expecting to hear anything back but I did. I started getting records sent from the mailing list guy at PWL records called PitStop (Steve Pitstop) All I had to do was guage the audience reaction and fill in a form. Kylie Minogue always went down well... The Postie would bring at least 5/6 records a week at one point if we weren't in he would hide them in the coal shed. My Dad started getting annoyed at being woken up by the Postie when it was records for me... By 1990 I had ACCUMULATED a great collection of White Label Promo Only 12" mixes. I had to get help every week taking boxes and carrier bags to the Youth Centre thats how big & heavy my record collection was getting.

How To: Install RadioDJ FREE Radio Playout Software

Installing RadioDJ the easy way... I know it can be daunting and scary installing radio automation software for the first time. I knew nothing about working a Database 23 years ago. Now I can take care of a Database with no issues Mind I learned the Hard way. If you aren't used to using software that requires a database don't panic it's not as difficult to setup as you might think. Tip: Try NOT to use MySQL8 its Buggy and Unpredictable users have had issues with it alongside RadioDJ If you follow these easy steps and have a bit of patience then you should have the program up and running in no time. Why choose RadioDJ Free Radio Automation Software? RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registrations Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks/months without needing to keep an eye on it Great Music library support add as many

Real DJs don't use Winamp

Saw a topic a topic on the Winamp forums where someone said they were using Winamp to DJ at parties. OMG! Are you seriously attempting to use Winamp To DJ with? Man I bet your DJ sets suck the life and soul out of a party! Another user replied to the post with this: Real DJs don't use Winamp to DJ it doesn't crossfade properly Indeed DJ's don't use Winamp to produce mixes or radio shows. We use other software that is built for the job. I attempted to use Winamp over 20 years ago There wasn't much choice of radio playout software and it just didn't do the job I wanted it to do. I would regularly hear it repeating artists & songs, The crossfading between tracks in Winamp was just awful. I'd end up with dead air of around 3-5 seconds between tracks. SAM Broadcaster didn't fare much better... But that's another story. Winamp is only any good as a media player for listening to Shoutcast streams. While Winamp m