
Showing posts with the label Triton Digital

Does Anyone Still Buy SAM Broadcaster Pro?

I'm not noticing anywhere near the amount of gripes about SAM Broadcaster on social media that I used to see 5/6 years ago. The forums don't seem to be attracting as many complaints that they once did either. Although they've made the forums READ ONLY. Download figures for RadioDJ would suggest that not many people are paying Spacial Audio for software now. It was 2010 when I switched from SAM Broadcaster to RadioDJ I switched because I was sick of SAMBC not performing as it should & it crashed regularly and required reinstalling after every crash. I have NEVER had a major issue with RadioDJ Or any standalone encoders I've streamed with since 2010 RadioDJ handles everything I throw at it and is as Stable & Reliable and doesn't crash like SAM Broadcaster Pro If anything has taken RadioDJ off air it was computer hardware related. Disc Drives FAILING ...