Spacial Audio Fired Us!

Yes its another post about how Lackluster Spacial Audio Support are. I've been watching a thread on Twitter where a user was simply told to go find another service by the Support desk at Spacial. His Crime? Asking Spacial Audio Support for help. We were *trying* to work with @spacial but when we asked them for help @spacial "fired" us! Seriously? If Spacial keep pissing customers off they'll soon have no customers to support. Spacial Audio have recently found another way not to give help. They've made the SAM BROADCASTER forums READ ONLY. Spacial do not help you their website is not working there is no links for tech help Why anyone does business with Spacial Audio is beyond me They LIE, They Cheat and the support desk doesn't help anyone. I really hope they go out of business one day Spacial Audio Solutions LLC are a STAIN on the Internet Radio Community