When The Buffering Starts Its NOT Your Computer (SAM Broadcaster Pro)
A station owner apologising because the SAM Broadcaster Encoders have taken his station off air with the BUFFERING problem. I have SAM Broadcaster and it will not stream because of buffering errors I know from past frustrations how awful it is when the encoders in SAM Broadcaster decide to start buffering during a live show. I tested an old version of SAM v2.7.9 on a XP virtual machine and I had buffering within 10-15 minutes of firing up the encoder. Buffering happened with many Shoutcast/Icecast hosts & ISP connections The Issue extends to over 28 pages of posts on the SAM Broadcaster Forums Users have been told its THEIR connection at fault when its the software Its another (BUG) that the developers of SAM Broadcaster Pro don't appear to be in a hurry to fix. The SAM (Streaming Audio Manager) encoders have been like this for 20+ YEARS. It's NOT the user's Broadband or Shoutcast/Icecast server at fault...