Sam Broadcaster Unable To Send Data Fast Enough

Have you ever encountered this problem with SAM Broadcaster Pro
Unable to send data fast enough Encoding paused until buffer clears

Then you'll know how frustrating it can be when that error message appears in Encoders window.

SAM Broadcaster Pro has taken my stream offline many a time with that darn buffering message.

It has happened to different people with different ISP's and different Shoutcast/Icecast hosts/connections.

Sam Broadcaster Unable To Send Data Fast Enough

When the encoders in SAM Broadcaster encounter this problem.

I can guarantee you it's NOT your Internet connection or your computer at fault.

Its those damn encoders not being coded properly.

I have searched and read multiple posts on the forums and have yet to find a fix for this buffering problem

It started off happening 1-2 times in a day and now won't even go a full song without disconnecting

A long time user recently said this when they ran into this issue.

I am presently having a major issue with my SAM Broadcaster encoders for my station. Will be back on air as soon as this issue is corrected
The Winamp DSP encoders suffered with the same issue.

Those encoders were poorly coded and also started buffering on a localhost Shoutcast server.

Sam Broadcaster Unable To Send Data Fast Enough

I did a search on the subject on the Spacial Audio forums and the search results extended to over 28 pages of posts.

With users being told time and again that its a problem with their connection/computer/broadband.

I HIGHLY doubt everyone of those users has an issue with their Computers or Internet.

I'm running Sam Broadcaster Pro 2021.3 with Windows 10 Pro
I have the highest upload and download speeds for maximum show quality
I've noticed SAM sometimes kicks my encoder offline with buffering messages

I've spent long enough testing other stand alone encoding software options & they all worked as they should.

I had over 4 weeks of uptime & zero buffering with one standalone encoder when I was testing it on a 32GB Computer.

There is an easy solution to this problem.

1)  Uninstall SAM Broadcaster Pro from your PC.

2)  Download RadioDJ run the executable as you would any other installation tool and install to C:\RadioDJv2

How To Install RadioDJ

3)  Setup the database with databasesetup.exe which can be found in the setup folder.

4)  Then you can install a stand alone encoder to do your streaming.

The good thing about a stand alone encoder is it frees up RadioDJ to automate music/jingles/podcasts etc...

Users shouldn't have to put up with the encoders in SAM Broadcaster buffering.

Users of RadioDJ had this to say about their experience:

Things I like about RadioDJ are stability and flexibility listening trend is up 71% since migrating to RadioDJ! Stability breeds consistency!
We recently made the switch from SAM Broadcaster to RadioDJ with no regrets at all. We've had no downtime or buffering since we switched