RadioDJ Database Maintenance (How To Repair?)
Now you have it installed its a good idea if once in a while you do some basic maintenance to ensure optimum operation.
Its not that difficult to maintain and backup your RadioDJ database.
A backup of your SQL database is essential in case the worst should happen to your computer.
First: We'll look at the RadioDJ database backup utility.
Open database setup from the setup folder select the auto backup tab and set it to backup your database at a set Hour.
TIP: Backup your database to a directory or drive of your choice
You can never have too many backups
The database backup happens in the background
Tick the box that says close to the system tray
Close to tray and FORGET about it.
Fact: Other paid for radio automation doesn't backup the whole database
Next we will move onto the other part of the maintenance with HeidiSQL
HeidiSQL should have already been installed if you installed MariaDB on Windows.
Log into your database using HeidiSQL with the same credentials you used when setting the RadioDJ database up.
Open you database by clicking OPEN. If you entered your details corectly your database should open for you.
Next highlight the RadioDJ database from the list of databases on the left hand side. You should see this window
Then click on Tools from the top menu and select maintenance.
From here you can repair or optimize the database, you select which option you want from the drop-down menu.
You select the tick boxes quick or extended but I don't use that I just run optimize or repair when maintenance is required.
Which thankfully is rare I've only ever had to repair my database maybe once or twice since installing it in 2014.
You should only ever need to repair the database on a very a rare basis (e.g: a computer crash)I optimize my datbase via an event in RadioDJ once a day.Other than that your database just needs light housework, optimising & backing up where required
It's not difficult to run maintenance on an MySQL/MariaDB database.
If you're still not sure search Google for tips and tricks about maintaining and using MariaDB/MySQL.
I hope you found this tutorial helpful.