Forget Oracle MySQL Server (Its Buggy)

Seen more and more users who've recently had issues working RadioDJ alongside Oracle MySQL (8) server.

I personally think Oracle MySQL lost their way a LONG time ago.


I Wrote A While Back about this very issue it seems MySQL8 still doesn't work properly.

A soon as people switched to MariaDB their issues went away (Strange That)

Marius carried out out some tests a while back and its quite clear that MySQL 8 takes longer to process queries compared to MariaDB.

Query Duration MySQL8: 1.7712764 seconds

Query Duration MariaDB: 0.0081946 seconds

As you can see the difference is Huge on MySQL8 it takes 2 seconds to run a Query

I've been a MariaDB user since 2014 and its RARE I have to do any maintence on my SQL databases.

IF You have been having issues with MySQL download and install MariaDB Instead!


How to Install MariaDB

Please Note: Some versions of MariaDB have issues with RadioDJ due to a Database update in RadioDJ.

Not All Software Is 100% FoolProof even RadioDJ

I'm running the latest release of RadioDJ 2043 with MariaDB 11.2 & its working great on Windows 10 and Windows 11

RadioDJ has been up and running on Windows 11 since I last had to Reboot the Laptop 3 weeks ago.

Don't Forget that RadioDJ comes with a way to backup your database data should the worst go wrong

Stability breeds Consistency which leads to more Listeners tuning into your station.

Using MariaDB alongside RadioDJ should be a stress free experience I know it is for me.

MariaDB is the BEST Database Software I've ever used alongside RadioDJ

Whereas MySQL Server goes wrong at the drop of a Hat