Did Anyone See Where That Exception Went?

On the 5th of July 2023 Marius released RadioDJ v2043

I just checked the Windows Error Logs (22/09/2023) and RadioDJ hasn't thrown an exception since the 6th of July 2023

Windows Event Viewer

The last exception was when Windows had issues with the NowPlaying.txt being on the C:\ drive

The NowPlaying.txt is readable from within the RadioDJ folder but NOT the C:\ drive

Windows Security isn't allowing the file on the ROOT of the drive

Other than that RadioDJ v2043 has been stable on the Windows 10/11 machines its been upgraded on.

Thats the thing I LOVE about RadioDJ once setup properly RadioDJ doesn't tend to throw exceptions.

The only time I've seen bad exceptions is when the Database has crashed which is generally a RARE thing.

However the RadioDJ Database is easily repaired using the Database Setup tool.

Radio DJ Datbase Repair Tool

I haven't had to repair my RadioDJ Database in a good while now

RadioDJ works everytime I fire the computer up

Did I EVER say how much I love Software when it WORKS?

I'm currently running RadioDJ 2043 with MariaDB 10.8 and its been slick since I installed it.