Error Code 10053 (SAM Broadcaster)

Looking at Posts on social media and one SAM Broadcaster user is trying to blame an Error Code on Windows 10


Your Problem is NOT with Windows the Fault again lies with SAM Broadcaster

Error code 10053 has been an issue within SAM Broadcaster since the days of Sam 2.x.x in 2002

Its to do with the Encoders not connecting even if your server is up and running I've written about SAM encoders going wrong before.

10053 Encoder will NOT Connect

Its NAFF ALL to do with Windows its happened on every operating system from Windows XP to Windows 11

The SAM Broadcaster Forums are littered with lots of topics and posts on the suject.

I do wish these DIE HARD SAM Broadcaster users would stop being BLINKERED by the issues and problems that SAM appears to suffer from.

I gave up on SAM at least 14 years ago now after issues kept knocking my station off air.

SAM Broadcaster has NO place in a Radio Studio

SAM Broadcaster is yesterdays technology its written in an old programming language

So if SAM is throwing Error Code 10053 at you when trying to connect to Shoutcast/Icecast why NOT Switch to something else that isn't going to constantly throw up errors at you.
Hey Cassie J Fox instead of Moaning about SAM encoder errors knocking you off air why don't you switch to software that is MORE RELIABLE?