
Did Anyone See Where That Exception Went?

On the 5th of July 2023 Marius released RadioDJ v2043 I just checked the Windows Error Logs (22/09/2023) and RadioDJ hasn't thrown an exception since the 6th of July 2023 The last exception was when Windows had issues with the NowPlaying.txt being on the C:\ drive The NowPlaying.txt is readable from within the RadioDJ folder but NOT the C:\ drive Windows Security isn't allowing the file on the ROOT of the drive Other than that RadioDJ v2043 has been stable on the Windows 10/11 machines its been upgraded on. Thats the thing I LOVE about RadioDJ once setup properly RadioDJ doesn't tend to throw exceptions. The only time I've seen bad exceptions is when the Database has crashed which is generally a RARE thing. However the RadioDJ Database is easily repaired using the Database Setup tool. I haven't had to repair my RadioDJ Database in

Solid State Drives Saved My DJ Life

In 2013 I had a traditional spindle hard drive fail on me taking some of my music collection with it. I'd backed up some of my music to another hard drive but not all of it by the time the drive finally gave us I/O read errors. My Husband suggested we go to a well known electronics store at the time (Maplins Now Closed) for a Solid State upgrade kit. Getting a Solid State Drive in my Computer was my best move ever! The 240GB drive is in my current computer and to have it functioning 10 years later means its been worth every £££ we paid. I've used the SSD to run my Copies of RadioDJ Free radio Automation and its been plain sailing since 2013 The only DOWNTIME I've had is Windows Updates or Driver Updates in CCleaner. The whole Windows experience is a LOT better on Solid State Drives Windows 10/11 seem to be stable I haven't had a BSOD or crash in ages Solid state makes my computers run faster and the CPU runs cooler

Radio DJ v2.0.0.6 THOUSANDS Of Downloads

I checked the Download figures on the RadioDJ website recently. To say I was slightly taken aback would be an understatement I noticed that RadioDJ v2.0.0.6 had been downloaded 260,072 times & that blew me away. Now tell me RadioDJ isn't the Hottest Property on the Automation market right now I know from watching videos that RadioDJ is being used by some pretty BIG radio stations out there. Of course RadioDJ is going to be popular because its amazingly stable and RELIABLE. Lots of people are learning that RadioDJ is better than paid for radio automation suites which don't always work as advertised. Marius Vaida has anyone ever told you YOU'RE A GENIUS? Little wonder certain software companies are cutting back on their support staff. RadioDJ is the Future of Radio Automation

URGENT! Windows Defender Blocks RadioDJ

There have been a couple of reports of Windows Defender not allowing the download of RadioDJ I ran into the issue myself while trying to Install it. I did the following to get it installed 1) Created a Folder on the C:\ Drive called RadioDJ <version number> 2) Went into Windows Security and Virus Threat Protection>Manage settings>Exclusisions Set the RadioDJ folder as an exclusion also an Idea if you exclude your Music library from being scanned too. 3) Try downloading RadioDJ and if Windows defender complains click "allow on device" to any threats these are all FALSE Flags. 4) Try extracting RadioDJ from the zipped folder into the folder you created 5) Right click on the setup .exe of RadioDJ and click Properties. If the exe is being blocked by Windows Unblock it 6 You should now be able to nstall RadioDJ into the folder. I've hurriedly tried to get these instructions to you I know its a FAFF but Wi

RadioDJ Has Come A Long Way in 10 Years

Recently been sorting through photos on my computer so I could back them up to Google Drive. While going through one folder I saw this screenshot I took in 2013. I hadn't realised that it was 10 years ago that we started testing RadioDJ v1.6.3.2 one of the the first versions to use plugins. It was like a new piece of software written from the ground up by Marius. Every version has worked better than expected and the software is now much more powerful and streamlined than it was. RadioDJ now has a HUGE following and every person I speak to using the software speaks FONDLY of it. You'll notice there's hardly any Negative reviews about RadioDJ thats because its a piece of software that does what it was designed for. RadioDJ Automation Software is so feature packed it puts OTHER radio playout software in the SHADE You can see the History of the RadioDJ versions HERE

Thank You Voicemeeter (VB Audio)

Last week I reinstalled Windows 11 on my laptop as something had gone wrong with the Bluetooth After reinstalling I was struggling to get audio from my speakers despite having updated drivers. Then I had a thought about seeing if Voicemeeter would help the issue. BINGO I had audio again Voicemeeter was allowing me to channel the audio from RadioDJ to a Bluetooth connection. I've LOVED Voicemeeter since it came out its a Genius piece of software. Voicemeeter easily allows you to route audio from your PC to your output. With Voicemeeter there is no need for a Microphone/Input/Voice FX Button. Voicemeeter will make your audio POP and sound more Professional. As for the Audio driver issue on the Windows 11 laptop I've troubleshot as much as I can BUT to no avail its confusing.

Streamlining Our Services (Spacial Audio)

The usual bullshit email from Spacial Audio dropped into my email yesterday. They start off the email by saying news letters will be a quarterly thing rather than a monthly thing. Then they go onto say they've made the support forums a read only resource. (I reckon) They've done this to Scupper my blogging so I cant see customers blowing their stack at Spacial support. This isn't Spacial Audio Streamlining Its Spacial Audio finding even more ways not to SUPPORT users Spacial seem to have ditched most social media but I still see pissed off SAM Broadcaster users posting somehwere every now and then. If I didn't know better I'd say Spacial Audio are struggling for sales of their SAM Broadcaster Pro software. I guess if they're "Streamlining" that means they'll probably have laid off support staff. YET MORE REASONS NOT TO DO BUSINESS WITH SPACIAL AUDIO

Turn Your Firewall Off?

Read a Tweet from another user having issues getting support from Spacial Audio They've told this user to switch their Firewall & Security off. My radio station has been off for 3 weeks I contacted Spacial customer service They told me to switch the Firewall and Security off Thats dangerous advice from Spacial Audio the Firewall & Security protects a users computer. As to why their SAM software doesn't play nicely with the Windows Firewall is anyones guess. The CODE of SAM Broadcaster Pro/Studio is Awful at best and still crashes time after time. RadioDJ FREE radio Automation doesn't require the Firewall or Security to be switched off. Spacial Audio Support really do NOT know their Arse from their Elbow

Clockwheel Failures In SAM Broadcaster Are Frequent And Annoying

Have You ever seen this Error in SAM Broadcaster Pro I have more than ONCE even though the software had enough music tracks to choose from. I had title separation set at 1440 minutes (24 Hours) and artist separation at 240 minutes Lack of available songs/artists/files WASN'T the cause of the issue I had over 5000 tracks in my Library at the time. I gave SAM Broadcaster up as a bad job & I was truly fed up to the back teeth with SAM Broadcaster not working as it should! I decided to switch to RadioDJ after the Clockwheel Failures and other assorted problems with SAM Broadcaster instantly liked the program & found it easy to use. It held up for a lot longer than SAM Broadcaster Pro ever could. I swear by RadioDJ as an automation program its flawless RadioDJ has NEVER let me down & I've never had a Track Rotation fail in RDJ Reasons to Use RadioDJ: Once installed it's stable a

Spacial Audio Fired Us!

Yes its another post about how Lackluster Spacial Audio Support are. I've been watching a thread on Twitter where a user was simply told to go find another service by the Support desk at Spacial. His Crime? Asking Spacial Audio Support for help. We were *trying* to work with @spacial but when we asked them for help @spacial "fired" us! Seriously? If Spacial keep pissing customers off they'll soon have no customers to support. Spacial Audio have recently found another way not to give help. They've made the SAM BROADCASTER forums READ ONLY. Spacial do not help you their website is not working there is no links for tech help Why anyone does business with Spacial Audio is beyond me They LIE, They Cheat and the support desk doesn't help anyone. I really hope they go out of business one day Spacial Audio Solutions LLC are a STAIN on the Internet Radio Community

Running RadioDJ On Linux/Wine?

This is a common question we've seen on the RadioDJ forums. Q: Will RadioDJ free radio automation software run under .wine on Linux? A: Not at present and yes you can quote me on that! Don't believe us then feel free to test the theory out at your own risk! If you manage to get .NET installed there is no guarantee RadioDJ will work properly on .wine RadioDJ v2.x.x requires .NET 3.5 and 4.8 Even IF the database setup tool runs and you get RadioDJ fired up the program will constantly throw up errors at you. This is what happened last time I tried running RadioDJ under .wine I used to test when I saw an update for .wine or MONO and got frustrated at the same error messages everytime. I tested again recently and couldn't even get Wine/Winetricks to install correctly on an 64bit Ubuntu Studio. Users claim to have RadioDJ running on Wine but when you ask those users HOW they did it they never come back to explain the steps required

SAM Broadcaster Pro Crashes on Windows 11

I've been watching tweets from a SAM Broadcaster user who's been having stability issues with SAM on Windows 11 Hey @spacial when are you going to fix Sam Broadcaster Pro? It crashes on Windows 11 over-and-over-and-over again when I am running my show! Its the same story with SAM Broadcaster when a new operating system comes out its either NOT compatiable or it crashes. Whereas I've tested Radio DJ over-and-over-and-over again on Windows 11 and it does EVERYTHING I ask of it. Reasons to Use RadioDJ: Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restr

The Night I Won A DJ Competition

In January 1988 I was entered for the Humberside Youth Service DJ Competition. The Head Youth Worker (Hilary) at my youth centre thought I had the skills to do it. Each of us had a 3 record set and had to demonstrate Microphone skills along with use of disco lights. I will admit the other 2 DJ's were good even if one stuck to songs from early 1980s for his 3 record set. I cannot remember the exact 3 records I played that night The Judges were from the Fire service, Another Youth Club and a DJ from a local nightclub called Julia. The local paper Scunthorpe Telegraph showed up to take photos of us in the booth. Sadly the only copy of the news article is this bad photocopy which I took from the news archives in Scunthorpe Central Library. I did get a certificate for winning but sadly I couldn't find it when I was looking for it at my dads house. In 1989 I was entered again but that time I got beaten into

Spacial Audio Are Taking The Piss AGAIN!

So its a new year and I've just looked at the SAM Broadcaster Read Me for 2022 To all intents and purposes Spacial Audio have done BUGGER ALL to their SAM Broadcaster software in 2022. All the while Spacial Audio are still taking money for their software. The developers at Spacial Audio have always been lazy They're allowed to get away with blue murder When a new release of SAM does appear its usually BUG FIXES for things they screwed up in a previous release. There doesn't seem to be any passion from the Spacial Audio developers they're lazy and overpaid IMHO. Spacial Audio are seen as something of a JOKE by a lot of broadcasters. I saw this tweet on Twitter a couple of years back now about Spacial Audio & it didn't surprise me to be honest. They don't give refunds once you purchase SAM Broadcaster related software. When SAM Broadcaster goes wrong (and it will) don't expect to get

You Won't Get Support And You Certainly WON'T Get A Refund

Theres a SAM Broadcaster user kicking off on Social Media about not being able to get a refund from Spacial Audio. Not happy with the evaluation of service? TOUGH! Spacial Audio will take your money and give you Zero support You can Shout, You can Scream, You can talk to a Brick wall BUT YOU WILL NOT GET A REFUND People are unable to get a refund on a product they purchased In GOOD FAITH Spacial Audio won't answer messages asking for money back It says in the EULA that If you have tested the demo they assume you are satisfied. We DO NOT offer refunds because of our 14-day free trial version which allows users to try the product for free and make sure they are satisfied with it Even when we purchased SAM Broadcaster in 2010 there was a NO REFUND policy. Its why Software companies sometime SUCK and its another reason I now avoid paid for software. Spacial Audio don't like giving support after they've taken your MONE

Spacial Audio Disreputable?

Spacial Audio Solutions LLC is ran and managed by people who just DON'T CARE about $$$ paying customers. I saw this tweet on Twitter a couple of years back now about Spacial Audio & it didn't surprise me to be honest. We've been trying to tell people this for years now. Once you buy software from Spacial Audio you won't get help when something goes wrong and Spacial software does go wrong. @spacial very very disappointed after 20 years of being customer Your customer service is so poor! The support team appear to send the same old canned replies that aren't usually of any help to the person having the issues. That's IF you're lucky enough to have your support ticket answered. @spacial please answer our emails, or dm's or just let us contact you somehow. please. we just want to talk Don't even bother with the support forums either they're just as bad. IF YOU cancel any Spacial Audio service keep an eye

Boycott Russian Software (DJ SOFT RadioBoss, RadioLogger and RadioCaster)

Because of Putin's WAR in Ukraine I'm asking people to BOYCOTT Russian Software BOYCOTT RUSSIAN SOFTWARE If YOU have any Russian software installed UNINSTALL IT NOW Russian law dictates that software companies could be obliged to infiltrate Foreign systems there are obligations on organisations to assist the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) Businesses and individuals using Russian-owned software are at higher risk of a cyber attack I'm asking people to also Boycott DJ SOFT software: RadioBoss, Radio Logger and RadioCaster. Plus DJ Soft's RadioBoss Cloud service. Q: IS DJ SOFT a Russian Developer? A: YES the Physical Mailing Address is: IP Kuzmitski D.V. Prajskaya 17-9 Volgograd 400005 Russian Federation DJSOFT Took their address off his website the 1st day of the Invasion but Wayback Machine had it cached. DO NOT BUY RUSSIAN Software products WE ha

The Input Button Is NOT A Microphone Input (RadioDJ)

New users to RadioDJ seem to keep thinking that the Input button is a Microphone Button. The INPUT button never was intended as a Microphone Input and if you do try and use it you will get delay and feedback. The Input is NOT like the VOICE FX feature in other radio playout software. A great way of routing your Audio from your Microphone can be done by software such as Voicemeeter You connect your microphone to a Mixer before you send the audio to your computer via the line-in socket You can manage your Mic input via Voicemeeter which you then route to the encoding software The Voice FX feature in other software has never worked as it should Voicemeeter is the Essential Audio Superfood & It will make you sound MORE PROFESSIONAL!

You Cannot Run Multiple Instances (SAM Broadcaster Pro)

One of the biggest bug bears of mine is the you cannot run multiple instances of certain radio playout software. Even if You attempted to run 2 copies of SAM Broadcaster on the same machine you'd have issues with the PC. I once attempted to run 2 copies of SAM 2.7.9 on an old XP computer 20 years ago and the machine kept freezing and crashing. One of the problems SAM suffers with is MEMORY LEAKS an issue which hasn't been addressed in over 20 years. If you run LOTS of PAL SCRIPTS your computer will be sluggish and sometimes unresponsive because of the leaks. Theres a topic on the SAM Broadcaster Forums telling you how to run multiple instances It the does state in the SAM Broadcaster EULA from 2017 that you cannot run more than 1 instance on the same PC. SAM Broadcaster is YESTERDAY'S Technology and isn't worth the $$$ Spacial Audio ask for it. Save your self the headaches of software cr

Add The RadioDJ Folder To Your Exclude List (Antivirus Software)

For some time now a LOT of Antivirus solutions have had issues with the RadioDJ program files. They don't appear to like the way Marius packages the the software and installer. He's obfuscating his code to make it harder for other developers to steal it There are unscrupulous developers who given a chance would steal someones code and then claim it as theirs. If your Antivirus software complains about the program files just tell it to exclude the RadioDJ program folder on the C:\ Drive. I use Windows Defender for my Antivirus and I added the RadioDJ folder to the exclude list before I installed to that folder. Windows Security>>Virus Threat Protection>>Manage settings>>Add Or Remove Exclusions and add RadioDJ to that list. While you're excluding folders and files its a probably a good idea to exclude your Music folders from being scanned. It will improve the performance of RadioDJ amongst ot

Storing RadioDJ Backups Safely & Securely (Cloud Storage)

I recently tried to help a RadioDJ user who had been flooded out recently in the USA. When I asked if he's been taking daily backups he said he hadn't. He's had to start over again from scratch I feel his pain I had that problem frequently with other software. Its a GOOD IDEA if you backup your RadioDJ SQL database to Cloud Storage You know Just incase the worst happens to your computer like a flood I have Google Drive monitoring folders so as soon as I take a backup it gets uploaded to the server. This is why backing up your database to a "safe" location is Important I hope the user who wasn't backing up his RadioDJ database is now doing so. Your database holds a LOT of information about you song library and its structure which makes restoring it a Piece of cake. Use the database setup tool to backup set an hour (24 hour clock) set a folder and its that folder you backup to the cloud. Its rare for

I Guess It Leaves Me With NO Other Option (SAM DJ)

I look at the Spacial Audio SAM Broadcaster/SAM DJ forums regularly. I witnessed a post from a user whom it appears is having subscription issues with SAM DJ (Formerly SAM PARTY DJ) I guess it leaves me with no other option then. Seeing that I paid for my copy of Sam DJ I really feel cheated because I never expected Spacial Audio to be so Deceptive This is not the first time Spacial Audio have been called out for being SHYSTERS The subscription model that Spacial Audio use is AWFUL at best and the activation servers keep locking genuine users out. I don't like software that has online activation requirements or keys. This user could do worse than use RadioDJ it has a better crossfade & stability than SAM DJ. IF I were still doing discos I'd probably be using RadioDJ to run my set with. There is better software than SAM DJ well better than anything SPACIAL AUDIO CODE. 1) Mixxx (FREE) 2) Virtual DJ 3) Traktor

Rockies Sheffield (The Forgotten Gay Nightclub?)

I was reminded about a pub I used to frequent in the city of Sheffield recently. The Cossack on Howard Street (Now Demolished) was the first Gay Venue I was ever taken to followed by a pub called The Albert Which is where I saw my first ever male stripper and drag artiste. Don't like strippers the baby oil stains your shirt if you get too close So it got me thinking about Rockies the nightclub that I was introduced to in November 1989 Rockies was a Gay Club and you didn't dare mention your sexuality for fear of being beaten up by some Homophobic THUG. Queer Bashing was common in the late 80s. The late 1980s & early 1990s were an Awful time to be growing up as a Gay man. Section 28 didn't help matters. So much rampant Homophobia and Abuse from people I never really expected to get it from Rockies Sheffield was sister club to Rockies Manchester owned by a guy called Michael Snailham. The club was housed in the fo