Clockwheel Failures In SAM Broadcaster Are Frequent And Annoying

Have You ever seen this Error in SAM Broadcaster Pro

Unable to pick any track Sam Broadcaster

I have more than ONCE even though the software had enough music tracks to choose from.

I had title separation set at 1440 minutes (24 Hours) and artist separation at 240 minutes

Lack of available songs/artists/files WASN'T the cause of the issue I had over 5000 tracks in my Library at the time.

I gave SAM Broadcaster up as a bad job & I was truly fed up to the back teeth with SAM Broadcaster not working as it should!

clockwheel failure sam broadcaster pro studio live dj

I decided to switch to RadioDJ after the Clockwheel Failures and other assorted problems with SAM Broadcaster

instantly liked the program & found it easy to use. It held up for a lot longer than SAM Broadcaster Pro ever could.

I swear by RadioDJ as an automation program its flawless

radio dj free radio automation music software

RadioDJ has NEVER let me down & I've never had a Track Rotation fail in RDJ

radio dj free radio automation music software

Reasons to Use RadioDJ:

  1. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it
  2. Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require
  3. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys
  4. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  5. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions on what YOU use it for
  6. The Database is really stable. Plus RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool
  7. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

If SAM Broadcaster Pro Can't automate then its neither use nor Ornament to Radio DJs

You can use RadioDJ: Where You Want, When You Want, How You Want