Is There A Way to Get Metadata From SAM Cast?

A user on a forum was looking to get the now playing information into SAM Cast so his listeners knew what he was playing.

sam cast encoders

I tried and tried and failed in the past to get now playing metadata into the streams from SAMCast formerly Simplecast.

There are users who claim to have title streaming working but when I follow their instructions it still doesn't want to work.

This was a post by a user on the Spacial Audio Forums

Having paid for Sam Cast I was determined to make title streaming work

I now realise that it won't

The File Poller application still didn't read or update metadata from a file

The user on the forums stated that he's tried everything he can think of including trying to use Serial Ports.

SamCast title encoding won't work. I tried installing it on the same PC as RadioDJ as well as a serial cable from the Radio DJ PC to the SamCast PC

The stand alone encoders I promote read text files to stream the now playing metadata from software such as RadioDJ

I don't get the point in SAM Cast its just another badly coded piece of software from Spacial Audio. They charge $200 for it too.

Spacial Audio are selling software that isn't fit for purpose

Also SAM Cast suffers from the same buffering issues the SAM Broadcaster Encoders suffer from.

IF SAM Cast won't stream your now playing info then you need to switch to another Standalone Encoding program

Sound Empire Caster

Update January 2022: A user suggested a solution for getting metadata into SAM Cast so I tested their theory.

I've unblocked ports, I've followed the instructions posted on the topic on the forums

No matter what I try I cannot get metadata to show up on my Shoutcast stream

I didn't just test ONCE I tested several times on fresh installs of Windows 10 on a Virtual Machine.

I'm baffled WHY SAM Cast has such trouble populating metadata

I'm not testing SAM Cast again as that would mean more time wasted when I should be doing better things