Very Upset with Spacial Audio Technical Support

The Spacial Audio support department strike again!
I have been a Sam Broadcaster customer for over 15 years

I have reinstalled a PC and when I wanted to activate my license it did not allow me

I've been writing to Spacial technical support for two day and they won't give me a solution

I have my radio station losing thousands of listeners. I don't know what to do anymore

It appears the activation system is yet again causing users issues even if they've deactivated before reinstalling

SAM Broadcaster Activation

Things like this should NEVER happen with radio automation software.

A radio DJ needs software to work so they can do their job or hobby

It all stems from the fact SAM Broadcaster was pirated a LOT back in the days on 4.x.x versions.

Spacial Audio introduced the activation requirement to cut down on the amount of pirated copies of SAM Broadcaster Pro there were out there.

A former Spacial Audio employee posted this: I helped build the security defenses that SAM Broadcaster has and I will say that the authentication will be very hard to defeat (Sorry Hackers)

Sometimes the activation system backfires and locks out legitimate users who then struggle to get support from the Spacial Audio Helpdesk.

This is why software such as RadioDJ is BETTER!

Radio DJ doesn't require activations or keys & it means the software will NEVER let you down.

radio dj free radio automation music software

Reasons to Use RadioDJ:

  1. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it
  2. Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require
  3. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys
  4. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  5. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions on what YOU use it for
  6. The Database is really stable. Plus RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool
  7. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

I've used RadioDJ since 2010 and I've never had an issue because of the fact it doesn't require activations or keys

Despite claims by other software developers RadioDJ comes without SILLY restrictions on use.

You are FREE to use RadioDJ software: When you want, Where you want, How you want.

If you get stuck with RadioDJ head over to the Forums where a friendly volunteer will try to answer your questions.

RadioDJ Community Forums

The Spacial Audio support team aren't interested in helping customers FIX things.

Make the switch to RadioDJ You'll feel all warm and squishy when you do!