Sam Broadcaster Pro Wrong Duration Times

When it comes to Internet radio I find it's always best to use properly ripped & tagged audio files.

You would expect those files should then show the correct duration in the audio software you are using. WOULDN'T YOU?

Alas It would appear SAM Broadcaster has issues with the duration of some files.

The user has tried converting and even re-recording the tracks and still SAM is showing the incorrect duration.

You can see from the picture SAM Broadcaster thinks The Beatles tracks have long duration times.

SAM Broadcaster Pro Wrong Duration Times

This has been a problem within SAM Broadcaster since the early days even with properly ripped & tagged audio files.

I've found if SAM doesn't like an .mp3 file it shows the time as ??:??

One of the SVS volunteers on the Spacial Audio forums
has tried to blame it on the users badly ripped audio files
It's NOT the way your music files are ripped or encoded it's very much a long standing SAM Broadcaster BUG!

RadioDJ doesn't have this issue with properly ripped/encoded tracks

radio dj free radio automation music software

Reasons to Use RadioDJ:

  1. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it
  2. Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require
  3. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys
  4. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  5. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions on what YOU use it for
  6. The Database is really stable. Plus RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool
  7. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

RadioDJ has a far better track/cue point editor & you can use/set custom intro/fade out markers.

RadioDJ detects and displays the correct duration/time for of all of the tracks in the database.

track edit radiodj

TIP: Remember to backup the RadioDJ database when you make changes to song cue points.

OK so RadioDJ isn't foolproof and can sometimes miss an end cue point but you can easily edit it so it fades out how you want it.

I have never seen RadioDJ show long duration times with songs/jingles/promos I've imported into the software.

The cue editor in RadioDJ is miles better than the cue point markers in SAM Broadcaster Pro.

SAM Broadcaster showing the wrong duration times
Is yet another reason to Loathe the software

If the software cannot show the correct duration of audio files then its utterly useless.

It's another problem with SAM that the Spacial Audio developers are aware of but NOT in a hurry to fix.