Sam Broadcaster Pro Unhandled Exception (Not Enough Storage)

Seen this topic on the SAM Broadcaster forums:

SAM Broadcaster Unhandled Exception (not enough Storage)

sam broadcaster pro
It seems a user was getting this error message in Event log as he was trying to add large amounts of music into SAM.

This user only managed to get 58,000 tracks out of 88,000+ imported into SAM Broadcaster before the program wouldn't let them add anymore.

The user has even tried a computer reboot and still cannot get tracks imported into SAM Broadcaster without the program crashing on them.

I added a few more tracks SAM Froze again then rebooted my PC now I cannot do Tools->Maintenance->Verify songs as SAM Freezes part way through

Apparently the Gurus on Stack-overflow say this is a Delphi problem with Heap Size exceeded

The storage referred to is NOT hard disk storage but the heap memory available to the SAMBC.exe process

It's not system-wide memory exhaustion, but a process limit

Not sure if there are any other scenarios where this might happen or how SAM Broadcaster looks internally except that it was written in Delphi

This is a major memory leak and only Spacial Audio devs can FIX that

So it's another major bug that has never been addressed within SAM Broadcaster?

It's not the first time I've heard of someone struggling to load tracks into SAM Broadcaster

The MySQL database structure in SAM Broadcaster has always been dodgy anyway not to mention a pain to do any website programming with.

This user could have his library imported if he switched to RadioDJ there are radio stations with 300,000+ tracks in their RadioDJ databases.

I've not heard of anyone having trouble loading music into RadioDJ software and it's database.

I've never suffered with Memory leaks with RadioDJ and certainly never while Importing music into the Database.

You can have RadioDJ playing songs and you can import songs without it affecting the stability of the software.

RadioDJ is quite light on Memory & CPU resources because its better coded than SAM.

radio dj free radio automation music software

Reasons to Use RadioDJ:

  1. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it
  2. Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require
  3. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys
  4. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  5. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions on what YOU use it for
  6. The Database is really stable. Plus RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool
  7. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

RadioDJ is a pretty reliable & stable piece of software. One user has had an uptime of 4 years on an old XP laptop.

It seems yet again SAM Broadcaster isn't doing the job it was designed for.

Why do people still pay Spacial Audio $$$ for software?