Old Version of RadioDJ

Sometimes some people don't want to use newer versions of RadioDJ instead they want to use an Older version.

I tested on a fresh install of Windows 10 and these were the results:

v1.3.7.0: Managed to install the database BUT the software wouldn't fire up & it threw up .NET errors at me.

V1.5.8.0: Got this version up and running in about 10 minutes. Everything with v. still works as anticipated.

Important: 1.5.8 needs to be installed into the Programs (x86) folder.

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V1.6.0: Works but I had problems getting settings to save I had to manually change settings via the .xml files.

Got a couple of .NET errors when trying to fire up the database setup tool in 1.6.0.

v1.6.0 should play just fine on Windows 10. Although it can be a bit fiddly to install.

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RadioDJ v1.8.2 can be downloaded Here

You use v1.8.2 at your own risk as it generally isn't supported.

Older versions of RadioDJ, 1.5.8 & 1.6.0 can be found HERE

Older versions of RadioDJ will not work with modern MySQL servers you will need to download older versions of that Database Software