Have You Made The Switch Yet?

It's always nice seeing other people switching from SAM Broadcaster Pro to RadioDJ radio playout software.

Someone said this recently on Social media:

I switched from SAM Broadcaster and have not looked back.

I was hesitant at first but RadioDJ has made my station so much more streamlined

If you haven't discovered RadioDJ yet what are you waiting for?

RadioDJ v2043

RadioDJ works better than SAM Broadcaster Pro and shouldn't crash or go wrong.

We know of users of RadioDJ who haven't restarted RadioDJ in 4 years

Radio DJ is an extremely stable & reliable automation program.

Users have had this to say about Radio DJ:

We recently made the switch from SAM Broadcaster to RadioDJ with no regrets at all
We've had no downtime or crashes since we switched

My RadioDJ system is sounding so good! What a fantastic piece of software

The thing I like about RadioDJ is the stability
Listening trend is up since migrating to RadioDJ!

RadioDJ is the best playout system I have found online
Its really stable once you set it up and add your music

It took some time to install and get used to but that's where the Forums come to your rescue

radio dj free radio automation music software

Reasons to Use RadioDJ:

  1. Once installed it's stable and works for days/weeks without needing to keep an eye on it
  2. Great Music library support add as many categories & subcategories you require
  3. RadioDJ doesn't require online activations or registration keys
  4. RadioDJ sounds Professional with the BASS sound engine
  5. RadioDJ is 100% FREE and has ZERO restrictions on what YOU use it for
  6. The Database is really stable. Plus RadioDJ comes with a Database Backup Tool
  7. Easy to manage Playlists, Rotations & Events for all your automation needs
  8. Great Technical Support should something go wrong with your installation via the Forums
  9. Customisable Interface with the Color Editor

How To Install RadioDJ

Upgrade your playout software to RadioDJ, You'll feel all warm and squishy when you do!